
Dedicated to the artistic career advancement of exceptionally gifted young professional musicians and to the promotion of peace and understanding through music.

Programs of iPalpiti Artists International

Based in Los Angeles, iPalpiti Artists International is a non-profit organization formed to support, promote and develop the careers of exceptionally gifted young professional musicians, thus securing a future generation of artists who will pass on traditions of all time and carry classical music into the next century.

Annual Summer Festival

iPalpiti Festival of International Laureates – now in its 27th season – features iPalpiti & Soloists (a touring consortium of 22-30 prize-winning young professional musicians from around the world) in Los Angeles with an annual residency in Beverly Hills since 1998. Named as “the highlight of the summers here [Los Angeles]” in American Record Guide 2015, the Festival received accolades in national and international press.

The prestigious journal STRAD devoted numerous enthusiastic coverages, and the Los Angeles Times acclaimed the Festival’s “world-class performances…take-your-breath-away demonstrations of musicianship and technique.” Featuring selected prize-winning young professional musicians from around the globe in the iPalpiti Orchestral Ensemble under the direction of Eduard Schmieder, the Festival encourages artists to find their “own voice,” performing as iPalpiti Soloists in solo and chamber ensemble concerts.

Future Festivals will continue on a biennial schedule, along with other performance opportunities when they arise.

25 CDs are released on TELOS, YAI, and BCM+D Records to advance promotional material to participating performing artists, and, for the enjoyment of all, available on iTunes and Amazon. Four albums received Grammy nominations.

Transitional Program

The Transitional Program is designed to provide assistance, guidance and counsel to young musicians with respect to their careers.

Educational Fund

The Educational Fund provides support to those in need of assistance for summer programs, concert attire, fees, etc.

Instrumental Fund

Through the Instrumental Fund, fine instruments are provided for a period of time.

Benefactors Concert Series

Throughout the year, selected artists are featured in Benefactors Concert Series in private homes as well as in public concerts.

Leo Frankel Memorial Award Fund

Through 15 years from 2002 -2017, 24 selected young artists received much needed support in full-tuition scholarship, travel, room & board expenses, and stipend.

Grant Program starts 2025

To foster the continuity of leadership among iPalpiti alumni artists, the Grant Program will focus specifically on creating classical cultural educational programs by (initially opened to) iPalpiti alumni in their respective countries to carry iPalpiti’s mission of “continuity of the great tradition of classical music” and “promotion of peace and understanding through music.” Applications will be posted soon.

Mentor Program

The Mentor Program (for 5th to 12th graders) involves student musicians at music academies and public schools with music programs. Selected students are matched with an iPalpiti Laureate to develop a student-mentor relationship and gain insight into a musician`s career by allowing them to participate as auditors during the Festival`s rehearsals, attend performances, and interact with iPalpiti artists.

Student Coalition for the Arts

The Student Coalition for the Arts (for 5th to 12th grade) cultivates the growth of interest in classical music, building a future audience and encouraging concert attendance through personal contact with the institution and Laureate musicians.

From 7th graders from Berendo Middle School:

Dear Conductor Schmieder,

When I first went in I thought it was going to be really boring, but it was completely opposite. It was very nice music. It was different kind of listening because I do not hear that kind of music at home. My friend next to me also liked it as much as I liked it. It was a really fun experience. Thank you for letting us students listen to this beautiful music. 

– Francisco Avalos

Dear iPalpiti Orchestra and Maestro Schmieder,

I had a great time and would like to go anytime again. It sounded really great how you put all your energy playing the instruments… It was really amazing how you could hear the music without any speakers. I got used to liking this type of music which is classical. 

– Juan Augusto

If you would like to learn more, be part of, or support the programs of iPalpiti Artists International, please contact Laura Schmieder, Director, (310) 205-0511.

“Young Artists International is an organization that consists of active and practicing musicians following the dictates of their conscience; i.e., their responsibility to the younger generations. I endorse it with all my heart.”

– Lord Yehudi Menuhin, Founding member

“Young Artists International is a concept of great importance to the musical scene. I therefore applaud and support this project with great enthusiasm and hope that all those who have genuine interest in music will give their support and encouragement to this exciting event.”

– Ida Haendel, CBE

“Music is a chain reaction that reaches down through the generations. Musicians are its links. It is wonderful to know that young musicians have a hand held out to them that they, in their turn, will reach out. Bravo, iPalpiti Artists International!”

– Lynn Harrell

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